Come and experience the age-old way of life of the Arctic folk, and learn about the life of Arctic sled dogs!
Visit the Husky Park at the village of Köngäs, where app. hundred cute dogs will happily greet you. Friendly Siberian huskies and playful light-coloured Japanese spitzes greet all visitors with wagging tails, and, if you are lucky, you'll get a wet lick on the face, a canine kiss.
The duration of a visit app. 1 hour (depending on group size).
The opening hours of Levi Husky Park: Mon-Fri 11am-4pm, Saturday closed, Sunday 12noon-3pm. Guided tours on the hour, last guiding starts one hour before closing time. Please, make a booking! Tel. +358 40 570 6572
Entrance fee: Guided visit 6 €/adult, 3 €/child, payment in cash.
Location: App. 12 km from Levi centre to Inari direction
Address: Inarintie, Sokkapora 99140 Köngäs
Additional information on the Dog sled rides:
• Levi Tourist Office +358 16 639 3300
• Giewont Adventures +358 50 409 3383, +358 50 537 2331
• Husky Team +358 44 372 4817
• Kaskensavun Safarit +358 50 4937994, +358 44 300 1443
• Polar Speed Retket +358 40 570 6572
-visit Levi Husky park
• Rami's Huskies +358 40 537 0593
• SnowRiders Safaris +358 40 844 9019
• Wingrens Dogsafaris +358 400 894 538