Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky male Monastery -- the current center of Orthodox spiritual and cultural life. Located 127 km far from our houses and close to the Heinävesi monastery and host guests all year round.
Founded in 1940 by the monks of Valaam Monastery, evacuated from the Ladoga island of Valaam as a result of the winter war of 1939-40gg. Jurisdiction -- The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Archimandrite Sergius.
Hundreds of years the art of wines production is carefully preserved and developed in the walls of monasteries. Wine-making tradition lives also in the Valaam monastery.
In Finland many parishes are using Vallam Church wine for communion. Wine of the Valaam monastery -- a welcome fairing, valuable present and a favorite treat. Welcome to the wine shop of the Valaam Monastery! Opening: Summer season: every day from 9:00 to 20:00;
Winter season: Mon-Thu, Sun c 9:00 to 17:00 Fri, Sat 9:00 to 18:00
Contact: Valamontie 42; 79850 Uusi-Valamo, tel: +358 (0)17-570111,;; GPS-KOORDINAATIT: 62.561836, 28.793142
Do not forget to cover your shoulders and your knees!